hello you!
Her 3 most transformational nuggets of wisdom are:
1. What you resist persists
2. Less is More
3. Slowing Down to Quantum Leap
Here is my more formal bio of how I was able to turn things around after I left the corporate world:
Analena is an experienced Human Design & Energetic Alignment Coach, ICF Certified Coach, Life, Health and Mastery Level Coach. She is also certified in Energy Healing modalities like Emotional Acceptance, Infinity Healing, and the Rapid Relief Technique. She supports Conscious Introvert Leaders to create Success on their own terms so they can enjoy Life more while creating more Impact with Ease (and without the Burnout!).
Her Soul Success Trilogy™ Framework, which integrates Human Design, helps her Clients activate and listen to their birth given Success Strategy which is hidden in their DNA.
Analena has vast business experience from earning an MBA, working in Corporate, and running her own coaching business. She has worked for small startups, and a global consumer goods company.
With Passion and Compassion she has helped a large amount of new and established Entrepreneurs overcome their Fears and Energetic Blocks, and align with their unique Human Design; resulting in never experienced Levels of Confidence, significant Relationship Improvements, launching new Businesses and effortlessly scaling existing ones, and going from "Giving up" to 85K in revenue in less than 12 months. Anything your heart desires becomes possible in her world.
She has been a Speaker at the International Human Design Conference, several online summits and appeared on many entrepreneurial podcasts while she is the host of her own podcast The Magic Pause (formerly known as The Art of Slowing Down).
Born and raised in Germany, she now lives in South Florida with her daughter and Partner.
Helping people ACCEPT all of who their are, especially the e-motions they are experiencing
Hosting a top-performing podcast for human design lovers and conscious leaders
The MANY career paths I tried before this one. Can you say - human resources/payroll/real estate agent/photographer
Teaching conscious leaders how to create SUCCESS on their terms the EASEful way
What I’m known for:
— analena fuchs
"don't force anything, allow it TO be easy instead "
I get to coach and certify women all over the world and guide them into THEIR CALLING using the Power of Human Design.
Officially started my full-time coaching business
(took lots of certifications and courses)
Got fired from my job - an answer to a firm request I had put out to the Universe
I got divorced and felt stuck and unhappy in my corporate job
My daughter was born, I started to be interested in Health Coaching
Graduated college & moved to Florida
I went to Singapore to study a semester abroad and travelled a lot
I graduated high-school in Germany
Sisters who live in Germany
is my favorite number
Is my conscious sun in human Design
number of happy clients